Spotted Lanternfly Information from Rockland County

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This summer, the Spotted Lanternfly, or SLF, has been increasingly spotted all around Rockland County. At this time, residents of Rockland County do not need to report SLF sightings to the Department of Agriculture and Markets. Kill any confirmed sightings of SLF by stomping on them or crushing them.

This invasive species of planthopper, originally from Asia, has made its way to the East Coast United States, posing various threats to ecosystems, agriculture, and recreation. Individuals can appear in their nymph form; small and stink-bug-shaped with either black and white, or red and white coloration. They may also appear in their adult form, looking moth-like with tan-coloration, black spots, and bright red wings.

For more information, you can visit the following websites:

NYS Ag and Markets:

Rockland Cornell Cooperative Extension: CLICK HERE

NYS Integrated Pest Management website: CLICK HERE

Spotted LanternflySpotted LanternflySpotted Lanternfly